Labor Inspection Program
The objective of the Labor Inspection is to further strengthen the implementation of the visitorial and enforcement powers under the Labor Code, as renumbered, towards securing a higher level of compliance with labor laws and standards, and ensuring continuity and sustainability of compliance at workplaces.
For this purpose, the Secretary of Labor and Employment delegates this function to the Regional Offices with the issuance of a list of Labor Inspectors who are given the authority of conduct inspection which covers all private establishments (including their branches and workplaces) in the regions. The Regional Offices, through the Labor Inspectors, enforce labor laws and social legislation through the conduct of Routine Inspection, Complaint Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Investigation. Upon the discretion of the Secretary, special inspections may be conducted, as may be deemed necessary.
. With the provision for mobile devices and gadgets, the DOLE developed an inspection Management Information System. An important feature of the system is data capture and transmittal from the field in real-time, as an electronic checklist is filled-up through the use of mobile devices and gadgets. Data are instantly available for viewing and processing to generate reports, statistics, and summons, including real-time monitoring of decent work indicators, based on the country’s decent work profile.